After two years at Muresk I joined the Department of Agriculture on 11th April, 1962.
Category Archives: Chapter 8: Department of Agriculture
Moora (1968)
Early Years with Ollie (1970)

Caromel Holdings
The creation of the name ‘Caromel’ came about by merging Carol and Melva. Caromel came into being when our friend Neil Williamson (Nan and Pop knew Neil’s parents, his mother was Nan’s bridesmaid) asked us to sell their wine racks in Western Australia.
Abandon Ship! (1970’s)
When at Fremantle stock office it was our responsibility to inspect all export livestock. The M.S. Centaur was at that time a cruise vessel to Singapore, apart from passengers the vessel also carried sheep and goats on its deck. We would inspect the animals as they loaded, rejecting those with disease or injuries. We would then issue a permit to export.
Tokyo Bound (1990)

In October 1990 following a conference with the hay exporters of WA I was selected to travel to Japan and make recommendations to improve the outturn of exported hay. I travelled to Tokyo and Kobe and observed inspection procurement by Japanese quarantine authorities when I returned to WA I changed fumigation procedures to ensure a better outturn in Japan.
In June 1991 I returned to Japan with industry officials to explore the possibility of operating bulk hay to Japan. Japanese quarantine authorities were not keen on the idea because of difficulty of inspection.
However on my return from Japan I travelled to Canberra for discussions on allowing industry to carry out empty container inespections under a quality control procedure.
This was approved by Canberra and introduced Australia wide. It was the first time that Canberra had ceded responsibility to industry to monitor their own produce.